
An Index to King Instruments

If you note any discrepancies, or have additional information concerning this company, please contact us here at Horn-u-copia.

1893 1
1900 (4001)
1904 (6001)
1905 (9001)
1908 1925
1910 4913 (25001)
1913 9047
1915 15989 (40001)
1918 27603
1925 78,001
1930 126,001
1935 176,000
1936 186,001
1937 200,001
1938 212,001
1939 225,001
1940 239,001
1941 254,001
1942 264,001
1945 267,501
1946 277,001
1947 287,001
1948 296,501
1949 301,500
1950 308,001
1951 316,50
1952 322,001
1953 330,001
1954 337,001
1955 340,001
1960 370,001
1961 377,301
1962 384,601
1963 391,901
1964 399,101
1965 406,501
1970 457,601
1975 511,751
1976 568289
1977 624826
1978 681363
1979 737901
1980 794439
1981 850,976
1983 906,860
1985 976,572

Numbers in paratheses are re-calculated estimates from HW White website. Italicized numbers are calculated estimates


Allied Supply

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